Far and above the positions he held, books he wrote, or sermons he preached, Jim was marked most by the disciples he made.
Jim Shaddix, my father in ministry and one of the most faithful followers of Jesus and preachers of God’s Word I’ve ever known or heard, went to be with the Lord on February 1, 2025, after a yearlong battle with brain cancer.
Nearly 25 years ago, when I was considering where to go to seminary, an older brother in Christ encouraged me to find someone to study under and to learn all I could from that person. I’d read Jim’s book on preaching, and I dreamed about studying under him. My wife says that when I met Jim and he invited me to work for him, I was drooling when I said yes. By the following fall, Jim hadn’t just invited me to work in his office; he’d invited me to be part of his life.